The most popular CTT story in the last year or so was Peter Wray’s story about Novamin 45S5 Bioglass in a line of Sensodyne brand toothpaste. More accurately, the story was about Bioglass NOT being in the toothpaste. Bioglass, as many know, was discovered by Larry Hench. Although technically retired, Hench continues to teach at the Florida Institute of Technology and give talks about the impact of ceramics and glass for health care. He has also brings some interesting ideas and a scientist’s discipline to the current debate on affordable healthcare. Recently he recorded a series of lectures for a joint FIT–ACerS project to provide a college-level course on bioceramics that will be available by mid-June.
This video was taken of his plenary talk at ICACC’13. While the date is not so fresh, the content has no “expires by” date. It’s about 28 minutes long, so it’s an investment in time, but valuable.
Meanwhile, we’ll keep you posted on any new toothpaste developments!