Students have the opportunity to tour the Pittsburgh Glass Works Windshield Manufacturing Plant in Creighton, PA, on Monday, October 13, from noon to 5 p.m., during MS&T14.
Pittsburgh Glass Works was formed in 2008 as part of a private Equity conversion of the PPG Automotive Glass business unit. The site is the original home of PPG Industries founded in 1883. Many of the buildings were constructed in the late 1940’s, and a major renovation was completed in 1985. Since that time, the plant has been maintained and upgraded to keep pace with requirements of the Automotive Windshield market. The plant contains 2 windshield fabricating lines using a gravity bending technology to form the windshield. The plant provides product to the OEM and the Replacement market windshield markets. Its present customers are GM, Chrysler, and Honda. The plant has also serviced Ford, BMW, Audi, VW, and Toyota in the past. The tour will walk through the process and show how glass and vinyl are combined to produce a windshield product that provides functionality, safety, comfort and protection to the driver.
Register no later than Monday, September 22. Space is limited, so act early. If you have question, contact Tricia Freshour. The tour is organized by ACerS’ President’s Council of Student Advisors (PCSA).