There are five glass-related awards that have a January 21, 2021 nomination deadline, so please consider submitting a nomination!

Stookey Lecture of Discovery:
The Stookey Award recognizes an individual’s lifetime of innovative exploratory work or noteworthy contributions of outstanding research on new materials, phenomena, or processes involving glass, that have commercial significance or the potential for commercial impact. The winner presents a distinguished lecture at the 14th PACRIM and GOMD annual meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada May 23–28, 2021. The awardee receives a Steuben glass piece, a certificate, and a $1000 honorarium.

George W. Morey Award:
The Morey Award recognizes new and original work in the field of glass science and technology. The criterion for winning the award is excellence in publication of work, either experimental or theoretical, done by an individual. Giving a lecture at the 14th PACRIM and GOMD annual meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada May 23–28, 2021 is a requirement of acceptance. The award consists of a Steuben glass piece and a certificate.

Norbert J. Kreidl Award for Young Scholars:
The Kreidl Award, which recognizes research excellence in glass science, is open to all degree-seeking graduate students (MSc or PhD) or those who have graduated within a twelve month period of the 14th PACRIM and GOMD annual meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada May 23–28, 2021 . Attendance at the meeting to present the Kreidl lecture is a requirement, so only those who can attend the meeting should apply. The awardee receives a check for $500, a certificate, and a glass piece.

L. David Pye Lifetime Achievement Award:
The L. David Pye Lifetime Achievement Award is presented by the Glass & Optical Materials Division and is to be given annually to deserving individual(s) in recognition of lifetime dedication, vision, and accomplishments in advancing the field of glass science and engineering. The awardee receives a certificate, glass piece and a travel honorarium.

Varshneya-Mauro-Jain Guru-Chela Travel Fund 
The Varshneya-Mauro-Jain Guru-Chela Travel Fund recognizes the special bond of knowledge, trust, and growth between a teacher (“Guru“) and a student (“Chela“), benefitting both.  The awardees receive a combined travel grant of $1000, a certificate, and complimentary registration for both awardees to attend the GOMD meeting.

Nominations are needed for all of these awards, so please consider submitting them for any, or all of these awards. If you have any questions, contact Erica Zimmerman.
