We are pleased to continue the YouTube Research Video Contest to engage young members and build excitement for the upcoming annual meeting! We hope you will consider submitting a YouTube Video promoting your poster or presentation to our student competition. These videos are to be posted by June 1, 2018 on your personal YouTube accounts and postings should be made public.
We have some very simple rules:
- Submitter must be a student to be eligible for the award (but others may submit for fun!)
- The video title should be “ACerS Cements 2018 – insert your talk or poster title here”
- The length of the video should be less than 3 minutes
- Your video should promote your poster or presentation at ACerS in the most exciting way possible and inspire people to attend
- Include a link to your YouTube video in your presentation or poster while at the meeting
- Professional language and behavior required
This is a way to advertise your presentation or poster and your research to others in a new creative way. It will also help you get people attending the meeting excited about your work and hopefully seek you out to try and learn more.
There will be two cash prizes given for the best videos. These will be determined at the meeting and by the excitement and interest generated by the videos.
Good luck!