In a timely addition to the agenda, the organizers of the upcoming Materials Science & Technology 2011 conference have announced that the new national Materials Genome Initiative will be the focus of a special session at the meeting. The MGI session will take place Monday, Oct. 17, 2–3:30 p.m. The MS&T’11 conference runs Oct. 16–20, 2011 in Columbus, Ohio.
The MS&T partners say they added the session because of the far-reaching impact that the MGI will have on the materials science and engineering community. The keynote speaker for the program is Cyrus Wadia, assistant director, Clean Energy & Materials R&D, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.
Additional presentations are anticipated from members of the National Science and Technology Council ad hoc committee that published “Materials Genome Initiative for Global Competitiveness,” the white paper presenting the vision, goals, and structure for the MGI.
Earlier this month a coalition of eleven professional societies including MS&T partners, ACerS, ASM International and TMS, wrote a letter to President Obama (pdf) expressing their collective enthusiastic support for the MGI, which they described as a “critical, enabling element of the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership.”
The MS&T’11 conference is held in conjunction with the ACerS Annual Meeting and Banquet.