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[Image above] A group of Mo-Sci employees poses in celebration of its 30th anniversary. Mo-Sci announced its financial support of ICG 2019 this week. Credit: Mo-Sci Corporation

Mo-Sci Corporation announced this week that it will become a premier sponsor of the 25th International Congress on Glass (ICG 2019) to be held in Boston, Mass., in June 2019. The Congress is held every three years and attracts glass scientists, technologists, and manufacturers from around the world. 

Congress president Richard Brow, Curators’ Distinguished Professor, interim director, Center for Biomedical Research, Missouri University of Science and Technology (Rolla, Mo.), says the generous gift from Mo-Sci is quite significant because it will allow the organizers to expand the program and increase participation, particularly among students. 

“I want to thank Ted Day and his colleagues at Mo-Sci for becoming one of our corporate partners,” Brow says of the specialty glass manufacturer located in Rolla, Mo. “The Glass and Optical Materials Division of the American Ceramic Society will play host to the glass world, and I look forward to working with Ted and our other corporate sponsors to make this a most memorable meeting for everyone.”

For 30 years, Mo-Sci Corporation has been a world leader in high-quality precision glass technology working with many Fortune 500 companies as their preferred or sole provider of specialty glasses. Mo-Sci’s glass microspheres, fibers, and frit have many uses including internationally recognized healthcare and industrial applications. Mo-Sci’s products include bioactive glasses, sealing glasses, glass microspheres, and porous glasses just to name a few. Mo-Sci’s support of ICG 2019 and its glass-research-focused technical program is a good fit.

ICG 2019 seeks abstracts for 43 technical sessions under the topics of glass structure and chemistry; glass physics; glass technology and manufacturing; emerging applications of glass; glass art; and glass education. Other special features of the 2019 event include special recognition of the 100th anniversary of ACerS Glass and Optical Materials Division; sessions organized by ICG technical committees; Arun K. Varshneya Festschrift; technical, cultural, and historical excursions in and around Boston; student career roundtables; and a poster contest.

Glass pioneer Arun Varshneya addresses a crowd during the Morey Lecture at GOMD 2018 in San Antonio, Texas. Varshneya will be honored with a Festschrift and GOMD will celebrate its 100th year at ICG 2019. Credit: ACerS

Those who work in the field of glass should attend this important international meeting. More information about the event, the complete call for papers, and the link to ICG 2019 abstract submission are located on the ICG 2019 website.
