My local NPR station’s broadcast of its Morning Edition show today carried a story (audio and print) about Corning’s Gorilla Glass. I’ve covered Gorilla Glass quite a bit in the past (and I’ve had the pleasure of introducing one of the GG’s engineering heads during the presentation of the ACerS Corporate Technical Achievement Award last October) and also its been covered in quite a bit of depth in the New York Times and many sci-tech publications, so there isn’t much new technical ground for NPR to cover. The piece, however, features some nice interviews with some of the Corning staff and independent business analysts.
But, in terms of giving credit where credit is due, it turns out that Morning Edition picked up the Gorilla Glass piece from a somewhat eclectic website/blog called InnovationTrail, a public-radio sponsored project that bills itself as “Reporting on the innovation economy in upstate New York.”
InnovationTrail is a nice discovery: Expect to see New York-related stories on energy, health, technology, economics and technology in a format that may include music, audio interviews, blog posts, etc. Definitely worth adding to your personal blogroll.