Mathematical simulation of silicate glass.
The International Commission on Glass has announced it is holding its third annual summer school event for new researchers in glass science and technology in Montpelier, France, July 4–8. The school’s program is specifically aimed at new Ph.D. students and others just starting research for the glass industry.
The ICG is still working on the final program, but the preliminary announcement says, “Each day will start
with a discussion of available measurement/simulation methodologies and their contribution to our understanding of glass structure, both on different length scales and for a broad spectrum of inorganic glass-forming systems. These lectures will underpin talks on properties and their structural dependence, e.g., optical behaviour, viscosity and aging, nucleation and crystallization.”
The commission says lectures will come from world-class experts. It also says there will be ample time for discussion of how these concepts can be applied to the student’s projects.
The key information to know for now is that pre-registration begins April 4, 2011 and the registration deadline is June 1, 2011. I am not sure how accurate this is, but ICG says simple registration can be emailed here.