

The December issue of the ACerS Bulletin should be arriving in subscribers’ mailboxes soon. It’s a keeper—it features the annual ceramicSOURCE directory, our comprehensive guide to suppliers of ceramic materials, production equipment, services, and more.

In addition to the ceramicSOURCE, the issue contains an in-depth article on how combining efforts among materials scientists, earth scientists, and other disciplines with information technology can lead to accelerated discovery of functional materials. Readers will also find a recap of last summer’s Unitecr meeting, information about upcoming meetings, and the latest ACerS news.

The ACerS Bulletin is the most widely read publication in the ceramics field, and our December ceramicSOURCE issue is one you’ll want to keep handy. ACerS members get free print and online access to every issue. For more information on ACerS membership and all its benefits, click here.
