Friday, April 16, is the last day to take advantage of the $100 early-registration for one of the top glass and optical materials conferences going on in the world in 2010. ACerS’ Glass & Optical Materials Division has organized a great program for May 16-20 in Corning, N.Y., that promises to cover all the best in science and technology coming out of industry, government labs and academia.
Organizers say the schedule of symposia will emphasize interdisciplinary studies incorporating physics, chemistry, materials science, mathematics and engineering.
Topics include:
- Glasses for energy and environmental applications.
- Glasses for medicine and biotechnology.
- Glass–ceramics.
- Optical materials.
- Super-high-strength glasses.
- Atomistic modeling.
- Melting and process modeling.
- Glass corrosion.
- Photoinduced structural change in glass.
- Topology and rigidity.
- Transition and Relaxation.
- Rheology.
The meeting web page has more information on registration fees, hotel rooms and preliminary program, plus details on related special workshops, short courses and Corning Glass Museum tours.