The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) has signed a partnership agreement with the Florida Institute of Technology’s (FIT) Continuing Education department to offer a series of short courses in bioceramics taught by Dr. Larry Hench.
The “Bioceramics: Advances and Challenges for Affordable Healthcare” short course—tailored to professionals in the engineering and healthcare fields—will discuss the ethical and technical challenges facing affordable healthcare in the 21st century with an emphasis on the evolution and clinical applications of bioactive ceramic materials. It will be available for purchase on the ACerS website on June 15 and on FIT’s Continuing Education website. Other short courses and a certificate program will be offered through Continuing Education at Florida Tech.
“The partnership between Florida Institute of Technology and The American Ceramic Society is one that seeks to advance our shared goals of continuing education and a lifelong passion for learning,” says Mark Mecklenborg, ACerS Director of Publications and Meetings. “To be able to share Larry Hench’s passion for and knowledge of bioceramics with the world—and to do it with Florida Tech—is a significant opportunity for ACerS.”
Hench, a professor in Florida Tech’s Biomedical Engineering Program, created the short course and helped bring about the partnership between ACerS and Florida Tech. An ACerS Fellow, Distinguished Life Member, and recipient of the Society’s W.D. Kingery Award, he is well known for the development of Bioglass—the world’s first synthetic material capable of long-term bonding with living tissue—which has become an essential component of countless orthopedic devices and medical procedures. He also is one of the plenary speakers for Bioceramics 2014. Click here for more information or to register.