12-03 CGM first issue CTT

[Image above] The first issue of Ceramic & Glass Manufacturing is out now!
Credit: ACerS

In an August blog post, Statistica (statistica.com), the online aggregator of statistics on just about anything, reported that 7,218 magazines were published in the United States—42 more than were published in 2017.

Does the world need a new magazine?

Yes, if the content is relevant, timely, and trusted!

Manufacturers certainly care about near-term and long-term horizons, but they worry about today, tomorrow, next week, and next month. Their concerns are urgent.

Ceramic & Glass Manufacturing—ACerS’ NEW B2B magazine—delivers news and information for ceramic and glass manufacturers and businesses. Published quarterly starting December 2019, C&GM provides useful, relevant and timely articles from experts in the industry. (Sign up for your free subscription to C&GM here.)

If you are a manufacturer, plant engineer, plant manager, production leader, operator, supply chain vendor, purchasing manager, sales team member, product developer, or otherwise connected with making and selling ceramic or glass components—this magazine is for you.

In every issue, you will find information you can use to build your business:

  • Feature articles focused on practical solutions
  • People news
  • Business news
  • Trade show news and reports

Working with advisors who are themselves ceramic industry manufacturers, we developed themes on topics that relate to your business’ bottom line, your business relationships, and your business efficiency.

In our recently published first issue, we focused on the role globalization plays in the ceramic industry. The 16-page magazine includes an interview with American Elements CEO Michael Silver on doing business in China and Vietnam, and an article by IMFORMED founder Mike O’Driscoll on the recent economic boom in India, plus industry news and trade shows.

We look forward to bringing you great content on themes that impact manufacturers.

April 2024Nanomaterial manufacturing: Scale-up and commercial production
June/July 2024Tips for establishing and expanding
your business
September 2024ESG trends in ceramics and glass
December 2024Commercialization of academic and national lab R&D

ACerS has more than a century of history as the most trusted source of information for the ceramic and glass industry. The Society publishes four peer-review journals and the ACerS Bulletin. Late-breaking news and information is published three times weekly in Ceramic Tech Today. Discover these resources at www.acersmain.wpenginepowered.com/publications-resources.

I’d also like to introduce you to David Holthaus, content editor, for C&GM. Holthaus, an experienced business journalist, brings many years of insight that will benefit readers.

This is our industry. Ceramics and glass are our business, too.

We welcome your feedback and suggestions!

Happy reading,

Eileen De Guire

Editor, ACerS Bulletin


David Holthaus

Content editor, C&GM

