
Video: Scotland’s proposed container recycling scheme faces delays and controversy

By Lisa McDonald / June 14, 2023

Over the past few years, the Scotland government has worked to develop a deposit return scheme to increase recycling rates for drink containers in the country. However, implementation of the scheme has been delayed due to pushback from retailers and drinks companies. A recent decision by the U.K. government excluding glass from the scheme has now pushed back the launch date to October 2025.

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Video: Upcoming deadline risks deep-sea mining taking place without regulations

By Lisa McDonald / May 31, 2023

The International Seabed Authority is running up against a July 9 deadline to finish developing a code for deep-sea mining. The possibility of mineral exploitation taking place without regulations has marine scientists concerned because so much is still unknown about the environmental effects of this practice.

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Video: UK announces new plan, new partnership for semiconductor industry

By Lisa McDonald / May 24, 2023

After a series of delays, the United Kingdom finally announced its strategy, as well as a new Japanese partnership, for supporting the semiconductor industry. Details of these plans—as well as industry response so far—are given in today’s CTT.

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Video: Australia announces National Electric Vehicle Strategy

By Lisa McDonald / May 3, 2023

Traditionally, Australia has lagged far behind other developed countries in electric vehicle adoption. The government has now released a National Electric Vehicle Strategy to speed up adoption and support the transition to clean transportation.

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Video: A new wave in the battle for data—China and the US clash over submarine cable control

By Lisa McDonald / April 5, 2023

The global submarine cable system carries about 95% of all global transnational communication data. In recent years, concerns that this network may be used to conduct espionage is driving a clash between China and the United States over which companies will secure contracts to lay strategic cable networks.

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Updates on open access for ACerS journals

By Jonathon Foreman / March 1, 2023

The future of research communications is poised to become much more open than the current system. Learn what Wiley, ACerS’ publishing partner, is doing to prepare for the open-science movement, as well as open-access publishing options through ACerS journals.

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Video: Swedish rare earth discovery calls attention to mining’s effects on Sámi reindeer herders

By Lisa McDonald / February 22, 2023

In January 2023, Swedish state-owned mining company LKAB announced that it had identified more than 1 million tonnes of rare earth oxides near the town of Kiruna in northern Sweden. Though mining this deposit may reduce reliance on China for rare earths, the impacts of a new mine on Kiruna residents and the indigenous Sámi people cannot be overlooked.

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Video: NSF Directorate for Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships—a look at its priorities and programs

By Lisa McDonald / December 7, 2022

The National Science Foundation officially established the Directorate for Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships in March 2022, but the mission and scope of the directorate remained unclear until the Chips and Science Act of 2022 was signed into law this August. Learn about the priorities and programs of NSF’s newest directorate.

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Video: Approval of industrial seafloor mining trial elicits scrutiny from marine scientists and journalists

By Lisa McDonald / September 14, 2022

On Sept. 7, 2022, Canadian mining startup The Metals Company announced the International Seabed Authority greenlit their plan to conduct an industrial seafloor mining trial to extract polymetallic nodules. While marine scientists are concerned about the environmental effects of deep-sea mining in general, an investigative report by The New York Times questions the choice of The Metals Company to conduct this trial.

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OSTP public access policy memo stirs the scholarly publishing world

By Lisa McDonald / September 13, 2022

On Aug. 25, 2022, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy released new policy guidance recommending that publications and their supporting data resulting from federally funded research be made immediately free and accessible to the public without an embargo period starting Jan. 1, 2026. To better contextualize this decision and the response by scholarly publishers, this CTT provides a brief history of the evolution of scholarly publishing and the push for open access.

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