Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory say they’ve 3-D-printed permanent magnets that can outperform bonded magnets made using traditional techniques while conserving critical rare materials in the process.
Read MoreWhy should the presumptive republican presidential-nominee be concerned about teslas? Tech CEO Josh Tetrick “just bought two Teslas’ worth of full-page ads against Donald Trump,” according to a recent report.
Read MoreWhat if the key to “smarter” technology literally lies within us? Carnegie Mellon University and Disney Research are developing smartwatch technology that uses the human body’s electrical connectivity to automatically recognize what objects users are touching and launch specific contextual applications to help support the task at hand.
Read MoreThe majority of the nation’s federally-funded R&D centers slashed spending in fiscal year 2013 by more than $1 billion over the previous year.
Read MoreOver the next weeks, we’ll preview a handful of the 150-plus manufacturers and suppliers who have signed on for the first Ceramics Expo. Today, we turn the pre-show spotlight to Lithoz.
Read MoreOver the next weeks, we’ll preview a handful of the 150-plus manufacturers and suppliers who have signed on for the first Ceramics Expo. Today, we turn the pre-show spotlight to ALTEO.
Read MoreAttracting, inspiring, and training the next generation of ceramic and glass professionals starts with getting students engaged. At ACerS, that means getting students involved with the Society on the local, national, and international levels early and often.
Read MoreA working group of 30-plus academic and business leaders organized by the New York Stem Cell Foundation has put forth seven strategies to address financial support, psychological and cultural issues, and collaborative and international initiatives they believe will advance women in an often imbalanced STEM landscape.
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