In 2020, researchers led by the University of Maryland developed an ultrafast high-temperature sintering method to achieve rapid, pressureless sintering of ceramics. Now, they and colleagues from Alfred University and the University of California, San Diego used this method to fabricate high-quality silica glass.
Read MoreAs part of the IYoG celebrations, ACerS’ “Glass: Then and Now” series is highlighting ACerS journal articles each month that support advancement in glass science and technology. The focus this month is molecular dynamics simulations.
Read MoreMore than two years have passed since a massive stockpile of ammonium nitrate exploded at the port of Beirut, killing hundreds and displacing thousands in the capital of Lebanon. The restoration of some shattered ancient glass vessels by a collaborative international partnership serves as a microcosm for the larger restoration efforts.
Read MoreAs part of the IYoG celebrations, ACerS’ “Glass: Then and Now” series is highlighting ACerS journal articles each month that support advancement in glass science and technology. The focus this month is glass relaxation.
Read MoreMuch research has taken place on glass-ceramics since its discovery in the 1950s. However, the nucleation process within glass-ceramics still is not understood across all glass systems, nor is the specific role of nucleating agents. Researchers in the United States and Brazil aimed to help advance research in this area by clarifying some terms and effects for the glass-ceramics community.
Read MoreAs part of the IYoG celebrations, ACerS’ “Glass: Then and Now” series is highlighting ACerS journal articles each month that support advancement in glass science and technology. The focus this month is viscosity and fictive temperature.
Read MoreThough glass bottles have numerous advantages over plastic bottles, they lack the squeezability factor to easily eject their contents. Two entrepreneurs in the U.K. designed a silicon rubber attachment for glass bottles that gives them the squeezability factor.
Read MoreACerS Glass & Optical Materials Division held its 2022 annual meeting and conference in Baltimore, Md., May 22–26, 2022. About 215 people attended the conference in person, with 22 countries represented.
Read MoreAs part of the IYoG celebrations, ACerS’ “Glass: Then and Now” series is highlighting ACerS journal articles each month that support advancement in glass science and technology. The focus this month is glass for nuclear waste disposal.
Read MoreThe Glass & Optical Materials Division Annual Meeting is taking place this week in Baltimore, Md. See some highlights from the event so far, and be on the lookout for a full report early next week.
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