Researchers trained an artificial neural network to predict glass transition temperatures of never-before-made glass compositions. The software will soon be freely available as a web application.
Read MoreMore than 535 people from around the world gathered at the Greater Columbus Convention Center November 5–8, for the 79th annual Conference on Glass Problems. The conference brings together global manufacturers, suppliers, and academics to exchange innovations and solutions.
Read MoreACerS Fellow John Mauro has traveled an interesting career path. He attributes his success to his education, mentors, and his involvement with ACerS and the Glass and Optical Materials Division. His Lifetime Membership reflects the value he places on the Society.
Read MoreMo-Sci Corporation announced this week that it be a premier sponsor of the 25th International Congress on Glass (ICG 2019) to be held in Boston, Mass., in June 2019.
Read MoreJACerS Awards Symposium will take place on October 17, 2018, at MS&T18 in Columbus, Ohio. The symposium features 13 presentations from invited authors of the best papers published in JACerS in the past two years.
Read MoreHundreds of scientists, researchers, technologists, and students from around the world came together at Corning’s 2018 Glass Summit to collaborate and discuss opportunities and challenges in glass science and research.
Read More“Ceramicizing the Future for a Sustainable Society” was the theme of ICC7, held in Foz do Iguacu, Brazil on June 17–21, 2018. Attendees listened to four plenary speakers, 129 invited speakers, and many presentations that covered a range of topics.
Read MoreResearchers have developed a glass composite that could be used in fabricating intricate objects. “Glassomer,” a material made of a polymer and quartz, could be useful in a wide variety of industrial applications.
Read MoreResearchers at Berkeley Lab have developed a “super window” that is twice as insulating and more energy efficient than most windows on the market today. They are currently working with major manufacturers to eventually bring it to market.
Read MoreGlass is one of the most important materials enabling the development of modern civilization. But which advances in glass science and technology have had the greatest impact on humankind?
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