
Video: Mobile block-laying machine offers new approach to streamlined construction

By Lisa McDonald / July 24, 2024

3D printing has made a name for itself as a way to speed up building construction, but it is not the only way to accomplish this goal. Australia-based robotics company FBR completed factory acceptance testing of its mobile block-laying machine Hadrian X earlier this year, and the machine recently arrived in the United States for site acceptance testing.

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Video: Penny licks—the sinister history of a sweet treat

By Lisa McDonald / July 17, 2024

To celebrate National Ice Cream Month in the United States, today we look at the history of penny licks, the small glass cups used by street vendors to serve ice cream in the 19th century.

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Video: Confirmed uptake of ‘forever chemicals’ through skin provides more reason for regulation

By Lisa McDonald / July 10, 2024

PFAS chemicals traditionally are believed to enter the body mainly through ingestion via food or drinking water or by being breathed in. But researchers at the University of Birmingham have now confirmed PFAS can permeate through skin—demonstrating the risk of exposure to these harmful chemicals.

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Video: Avoiding hype in science communication

By Lisa McDonald / July 3, 2024

The use of hyperbole in scientific literature is increasing, despite the fact it undermines effective science communication. Today’s CTT provides some useful tips on how to avoid hype and describes the approaches that allow effective communication instead.

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Video: Fran Taylor and the revival of midcentury barware culture

By Lisa McDonald / June 26, 2024

Ohio-based artist and businesswoman Fran Taylor played a major role in midcentury barware culture, and the recent revival of her business by a Lancaster-based couple aims to honor and promote her trailblazing legacy.

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Video: Protecting elephants and trains through fiber-optic sensing

By Lisa McDonald / June 19, 2024

Death from train collisions is the second-highest cause of unnatural elephant deaths in India. Austria-based information provider Sensonic contracted with Indian Railways to deploy a fiber-optic-based elephant detection and alert system along the railway’s East Coast network.

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Video: ‘Design for Demise’ offers greener approach to space exploration

By Lisa McDonald / June 12, 2024

Space debris is becoming increasingly problematic as private space entrepreneurs launch unprecedented numbers of new satellites into orbit. Constructing satellites with a “Design for Demise” mentality can help reduce the amount of junk floating around Earth.

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3D printing of homes expands across the globe

By Guest Contributor / June 11, 2024

Numerous advancements in 3D-printed housing have made headlines in the past few years. This CTT highlights some recent notable achievements.

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Video: Tackling e-waste—Circular Supply Chain Coalition establishes recycling networks in local communities

By Lisa McDonald / June 5, 2024

Even as record amounts of electronic waste are generated, very little of this waste is recycled. The new Circular Supply Chain Coalition aims to establish e-waste recycling networks in local communities.

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Video: Fiber-optic probe offers inside look at the brain’s vasculature

By Lisa McDonald / May 22, 2024

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a newer intravascular imaging technique that researchers have struggled to adapt for use inside the brain. Now, researchers in the U.S. and Canada reported on the development and testing of a modified OCT approach that can be used inside the brain.

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