The Navrotsky Award for Experimental Thermodynamics of Solids is awarded biennially to an author who made the most innovative contribution to experimental thermodynamics of solids technical literature during the two calendar years prior to selection.

The Award is a $5,000 cash prize accompanied by a certificate containing a citation of the achievement on which the Award is based. The presentation of the Award is made at the Annual Meeting of the SOCIETY and the recipient is expected to present a talk on the work cited for the award or closely related to it.

Nomination process:

Submit an authored paper published in 2023 or 2024 which has made the most innovative contribution to the experimental thermodynamics of solids technical literature. All nominations including self-nominations are welcome. A technical article is defined as a paper involving original work on experimental thermodynamics of solids published in a peer-reviewed science journal that includes papers on topics of ceramics, materials science, chemistry, physics, earth and planetary science, environmental science or related fields.

The innovative contribution can relate to instrument and technique development, new thermodynamic data, applications of new materials based on thermodynamic analysis, and/or new concepts relating thermodynamics, structure and function. While the experimental thermodynamics component of the technical article must be primary, it can be linked to theoretical, crystallographic, and spectroscopic studies, or to database development.

You may start, save, complete, and submit your nominations accessing the acers award portal below. 


Submit questions to: Erica Zimmerman at

2023 Navrotsky Awardee: “Radiation Damage and Thermal Annealing in Tunnel Structured Hollandite Materials”; Acta Materialia 206 (2021) 116598; Mingyang Zhao (a), Eric O´Quinn (b), Nancy Birkner (a), Yun Xu (a), Maik Lang (b), Kyle Brinkman (a,*); (a) Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA (b) Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA *Corresponding author

Deadline for Nominations:

March 1 Biennially (2025 next cycle)

Award Winners