It’s a centennial achievement for the Journal of the American Ceramic Society—next year it will celebrate its 100th year as a top source for ceramic materials science research, providing scientists, engineers, and students with critically assessed, original research.
Read MorePACRIM 12 will hold a career development workshop in ceramics, organized by the National Science Foundation, designed to enhance the career development next-generation ceramic materials research and education leaders.
Read MoreMore than 500 attendees came together for the 77th Conference on Glass Problems in Columbus, Ohio, this week, including an unprecedented number of students.
Read MoreResearchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory say they’ve 3-D-printed permanent magnets that can outperform bonded magnets made using traditional techniques while conserving critical rare materials in the process.
Read MoreResearchers from the Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials at the Institute for Basic Science in South Korea say that a novel graphene coating might help solve challenges with glass corrosion.
Read MorePresident Mrityunjay Singh led ACerS 118th Annual Membership Meeting last week at MS&T16 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Singh reported on Society achievements during the year and officially passed the ceramic gavel to incoming president, William Lee, who outlined his goals for the coming year.
Read MoreResearchers at the Universities of Sussex and Bristol in the U.K. have developed a new technology that effectively turns tiny, multi-colored spheres into real-life pixels that can form into floating displays, according to a University of Sussex press release.
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