Guest Contributor

A game changer: Acetonitrile-based electrolyte improves temperature range of Li-ion batteries

By Guest Contributor / September 20, 2024

New electrolyte formulas with higher ionic conductivities could help expand the temperature range in which lithium-ion batteries can viably operate. Researchers at Japanese chemical company Asahi Kasei developed a novel acetonitrile-based electrolyte that they plan to commercialize by 2025.

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The role of ceramics in advancing green chemistry

By Guest Contributor / September 17, 2024

Ceramic materials support many green chemistry processes by serving as catalysts, sorbents and separation membranes, energy storage and conversion materials, and composites and coatings. Learn more about some of these applications in today’s CTT.

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New material enters the 2D race: Swedish researchers create single-atom-thick sheets of gold

By Guest Contributor / September 3, 2024

In a breakthrough for 2D materials, researchers at Linköping University in Sweden reported a method for synthesizing freestanding single-atom-thick sheets of gold.

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Rivalry and Dresden plates and quilts, oh my! A look at the history and impact of European porcelain production

By Guest Contributor / August 27, 2024

From industrial espionage to nanoparticles to fabric arts, porcelain production has had a far-reaching impact on history. This CTT looks at the industry’s surprising influence.

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Immobilizing nuclear waste: Status and future developments in glass and ceramic waste forms

By Guest Contributor / August 16, 2024

Since the early days of research on nuclear waste disposal, glass and ceramic materials have received a lot of attention as stable and manageable forms for storing nuclear waste. Today’s CTT looks at the status and current challenges with these waste forms, as well as how machine learning may help support future developments.

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Discovery of oldest dated ceramic sherds in Australia demonstrates cultural complexity of early Aboriginal societies

By Guest Contributor / August 6, 2024

Until recently, the lack of local Aboriginal pottery samples in Australia led some scholars to claim that Aboriginal societies lacked cultural complexity. But the discovery and analysis of pottery sherds on the island of Jiigurru disproves this disparaging characterization.

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Ceramic–polymer composites: A possible future for energy storage, harvesting, and conversion

By Guest Contributor / August 2, 2024

The widespread adoption of clean energy technologies requires the advancement of energy storage, harvesting, and conversion technologies. Ceramic–polymer composites have a lot of potential to help with this advancement.

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Classification of ceramics: from the traditional to the advanced

By Guest Contributor / July 30, 2024

During the past century, the ceramics and glass field expanded enormously from its traditional industries of structural clay, whitewares, and refractories to encompass many advanced applications, including bioceramics, electronics, and energy. Today’s CTT looks at some of these developments through the lens of the current ACerS Divisions.

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Stretching the limits of auxetic expansion: Tungsten semicarbide nanosheets set new record

By Guest Contributor / July 23, 2024

In a new record for auxetic materials, researchers at the University of Western Ontario synthesized 2D flakes of tungsten semicarbide than can expand up to 40% under applied strain.

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Embracing nature knowledge: Biomimicry developments in the energy field

By Guest Contributor / July 16, 2024

Nature offers many clues on ways to best preserve energy, and today’s CTT showcases some recent biomimetic innovations in the fields of clean energy, passive thermal control, and water conservation.

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