ACerS 123rd Annual Meeting takes place Oct. 17–21, 2021, in Columbus, Ohio, during MS&T.
MS&T affords you an opportunity like no other. You have the chance to hear the latest technical advances and cutting-edge developments in the materials science community, connect with friends, and network with your peers. Make your plans to attend today!
MS&T21 registration for ACerS Distinguished Life and Senior/Emeritus members
ACerS Distinguished Life Members are eligible for complimentary MS&T21 registration and Senior and Emeritus Members qualify for reduced MS&T21 registration. These special offers are only available through ACerS—they are not found on the online MS&T registration site.
This year, please complete the COVID-19 liability form (and also any awards banquet guests) and return it with your registration form.
Please complete one of the special registration forms and the COVID-19 liability form(s) (click on links above), save and send by email to Erica Zimmerman or by fax 614-675-9974 by Aug. 31, 2021.