The ECD Nominating Committee invites nominations for the incoming 2023–2024 division secretary candidate. This nomination will be presented at the ECD Annual Business meeting during the ACerS annual meeting in conjunction with the MS&T 2022 meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (October 9-13, 2022) and will go on the ACerS annual election ballot in spring 2023.
We also request your support and help in identifying highly qualified and motivated candidates for two nominating committee member positions. Please send your nomination form for either position, via email to the nominating committee chair, Valerie Wiesner, by April 30, 2022.
Nominating Committee
Chair: Valerie Wiesner, NASA Langley Research Center
Member: Soshu Kirihara, Osaka University, Japan
Member: Csaba Balázsi, ELKH Centre for Energy Research, Hungary