On February 19, 2020, thirteen students from Colorado School of Mines, NREL, and University of Colorado Boulder visited the Johns Manville (JM, Littleton, Colorado) facility during the National Engineers Week organized by the Colorado Section of ACerS. The group was given an overview of JM, a tour of the Analytical Labs, lunch and a presentation on the Fiberization and Pot and Marble process.
Also in honor of National Engineers Week, The Colorado Section of ACerS and CoorsTek hosted on February 21 fourteen students from Colorado School of Mines, Colorado State University, and University of Wyoming at the CoorsTek Center for Advanced Materials located in Golden, Colorado. The event gave students an opportunity to tour this new, state-of-the-art facility to get a close-up look at the research and development, analytical labs, and manufacturing capabilities for engineered ceramics done on-site.
Additionally, CoorsTek engineers were on-hand during the tour and during a panel discussion for students to ask questions and further explore the technical ceramics industry, understand what skills are necessary when job hunting, and learn about the culture at CoorsTek.
Students at CoorsTek
Students at Johns Manville
Students Touring CoorsTek