Tuesday, March 16, 2021, at 11 a.m. (Eastern US Time)

The Manufacturing Division is hosting the March webinar of the ACerS Frontiers of Ceramics & Glass Webinar Series, “Raw material variability and manufacturing” 


This webinar will feature a presentation from Professor Emeritus of Ceramic Engineering William M. Carty (Alfred University). His presentation will discuss how raw material variability (e.g., particle size distribution) and powder processing can impact manufacturing control and product consistency from an engineering perspective, such as by offering a potentially new way to look at particle size distribution data.  


William M. Carty

William M. Carty, Ph.D., joined the faculty at Alfred University in 1993 and achieved the rank of Professor in 2002, McMahon Professor in 2010, and Chair of Ceramic Engineering and Glass Engineering Science (2008 and 2010). He received a B.S. (1985) and M.S. (1987) both in Ceramic Engineering from the University of Missouri-Rolla, and a Ph.D. in Materials Science from the University of Washington (Seattle, 1992).

Carty joined Alfred University following a one-year post-doctoral position at Koninklijke/Shell-Laboratorium, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). He has worked closely with industry during his tenure at Alfred University and has generated over $18 million in research funding, mostly with industrial projects or by leveraging industrial funds with New York State funding sources. His current research interests are ceramic processing and microstructural evolution (in both traditional and advanced ceramic materials); tailoring microstructures and porosity for specific applications; the connection between strength and processing; glass batch reactions and melting; and the development of sustainable ceramic manufacturing processes (i.e., energy efficient and environmentally-sound). In addition to teaching and research, he is a world-recognized expert and consultant in porcelains and glazes, ceramic processing, and ceramic manufacturing. Although he retired from teaching at the end of 2020, he continues to do research at Alfred University and consulting for the ceramic industry.


ACerS member: no cost
ACerS GGRN and Material Advantage student member: no cost
Non-member: $30
Non-member student: $15

If you have any questions, please contact Erica Zimmerman.

This webinar is brought to you by ACerS Manufacturing Division.
