Some people consider public speaking to be their biggest fear. The Material Advantage Undergraduate Student Speaking Contest, organized by ACerS Ceramic Educational Council, can help you overcome your fear, especially when it comes time for you to make technical talks at future meetings.

How does the contest work?
Each Material Advantage Chapter is encouraged to hold local contests on campus prior to MS&T. Local contest winners will advance to the semifinal/final rounds at MS&T where they will compete on Sunday, Oct. 25.

The contest presentation subject must be technical but can relate to any aspect of materials science and engineering. Participants receive a $300 travel grant awarded at the end of the semifinal/final rounds. Winners of the finals receive cash prizes.

For contest rules, contact Tricia Nicol.

National contestants must be reported to Dr. Elliott Slamovich by September 30, 2009.

Do you know someone competing in the contest? You are encouraged to attend and cheer on those competing in the contest.
