The Engineering Ceramics Division is proud to announce their newest award recognizing early/mid-career women and minority professionals. Three individuals will be selected annually for the Engineering Ceramics Division’s Jubilee Global Diversity Award and will be invited to present at the International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC) in Daytona Beach, FL (annual meeting of the Division). The awardees are encouraged to mentor students and promote society related activities at their institutions. 

The 2019 nomination deadline is August 1, 2018.

This award is intended to recognize exceptional early- to mid-career professionals who are women and/or underrepresented minorities (i.e. based on race, ethnicity, nationality and/or geographic location) in the area of ceramic science and engineering.


1) Contributions to the field of ceramic science and engineering

2) Demonstrated commitment to mentoring students and young professionals

3) Promotion of the society and its related activities in the broader community


The nominee must be 45 years old or younger at the time of the award presentation (January 1st of the Award Year) and a member of The American Ceramic Society and Engineering Ceramics Division. However, the award committee can consider special situations (extended time away due to family and health reasons, military service, etc.) and consider waiving the age requirements for exceptional candidates in special cases.


Nominations can be made by any individual or group that is a member of ACerS. Self-nominations are allowed and encouraged. A one page nomination letter along with a brief CV (up to 3 pages) highlighting the nominee’s contributions listed in the criteria above are required.

Three awards will be given each year including a certificate, complimentary registration to ICACC, and a $500 honorarium to be presented during the plenary session at ICACC. 

Submit nominations by August 1, 2018 to: ECD Trustee Michael Halbig at

The award information is also available by visiting the Jubilee Global Diversity Award page.
