The ACerS Electronics Division presented awards for exceptional student work during the January 2019 Conference on Electronic Materials and Applications in Orlando, Fla.
Congratulations to these outstanding students:
Poster competition
First Place: Shuhei Nakayama; Sophia University
Poster title: “Ferroelectric HfO2 thin films with abundant dopants”
Second Place: Kevin Ferri; The Pennsylvania State University
Poster title: “Investigating the Roles of Grain Size, Dopant Choice, and Orientation of ZnO Thin Film Varistor Prototypes”
Third Place: Halee Lester; University of Florida
Poster title: “Property and Structure Analysis of Novel 2D Group-III Oxides Predicted by Evolutionary Algorithm”
Oral Presentation contest
First Place: Nives Strkalj; ETH Zürich
Presentation title: “Design of ferroelectric polarization states during epitaxial growth”
Second Place: Shelby Fields; University of Virginia
Presentation title: “Polarization and permittivity dependence on electrode stress for ferroelectric Hf0.58Zr0.42O2 films”
Third Place (tie): William Huddleston; Case Western Reserve
Presentation title: “Ni coarsening in sintered Li4Ti5O12 anode composites”
Third Place (tie): Joshua T. Paul; University of Florida
Presentation title: “Symmetry-Based Identification of 2D Materials for Piezoelectric Applications”