The Ceramographic Exhibit & Competition, is an annual poster exhibit to promote the use of microscopy and microanalysis as tools in the scientific investigation of ceramic materials. This year’s competition was held during the ACerS Annual Meeting in October in Columbus, Oh., in the Columbus Convention Center. Winners were selected for the scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy categories, and scanning probe microscopy. The Roland B. Snow award was presented for Best in Show. 

Congratulations to:

Roland B. Snow Award for Best in Show:








“Single Crystalline Galaxy”
by Joseph Wood and Klaus van Benthem
University of California, Davis

Transmission Electron Microscopy category:

First place: “Nano Penguin”

by Boyi Qu and Klaus van Benthem; University of California, Davis

Scanning Electron Microscopy category:

First place: “Single Crystalline Galaxy”

by Joseph Wood and Klaus van Benthem; University of California, Davis

Second place: “A Starry Night”

by Bo Yang, Xin Li Phuah, Haiyan Wang, and Xinghang Zhang;
Purdue University

Third place: “Pollen Derived Carbons”

by Jialing Tang and Vilas Pol; Purdue University

Scanning Probe Microscopy category:

First place: “Hummingbird Plastically Imprinted”

by Xufei Fang¹ ², Tingting Zhu¹, Kuan Ding¹, and Atsutomo Nakamura²;

1 Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany

2 Osaka University, Japan

Second place: “Micro Domain City”

by Oliver Preuss, Fangping Zhuo, Jürgen Rödel, and Xufei Fang;

Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
